Yes, its price is way bigger than its size and serving. Caviar is considered a luxury in the food industry as this delicacy can’t be lavishly eaten by anyone. That is why as this rare eggs are served, more and more people are getting curious about its taste.
What Is Caviar Exactly?
This is a popular and distinct delicacy that is made up of a certain type of non-fertilized fish eggs (usually sturgeon), which are salted and processed. The masses of ripe eggs, called “roe”, could be eaten by people, either fresh or pasteurized. Compared to the pasteurized "roe", the fresh egg masses are considered tastier.

In traditional perception, the term caviar only refers to the ripe egg masses (roe) from the Black Sea and Caspian Sea’s sturgeon. Considering the variety of countries, caviar may also refer to the variation of particular fish’s roe that may include steelhead, whitefish, salmon, lumpfish, carp, and any other sturgeon fish roe species.
What Does Caviar Taste Like?

Are you awesomely curious on what does caviar tastes like? People have an individually unique taste. If your friends or relatives have differently described how it tastes, you might be oftentimes be confused on its taste in reality. Is it sweet, salty or a bit bitter? Find out below.
Factors Affecting Caviar’s Taste

The taste of caviar may vary depending on how the caviar is eaten and how fresh it is. Note the following:
If the caviar is from a fresh Beluga‘s eggs, which is more mature and larger, there’s a taste of firm texture as well as intense flavor.
If there’s unpleasant metallic odor or smell, it could be a sign of delicacy’s mishandling.
If the caviar is consumed after long storage period with inconsistent temperature, it may affect the taste. But when caviar is served at its greatest freshness, then, a finely tasting caviar will be experienced.
Taste Of Caviar

Let your imagination works with the description of caviar’s taste below.
Caviar has a fishy and salty taste, but if you got the finest caviar, the taste is less salty.
You may be amused by its distinct texture.
As it touches your tongue, it pops. Then, the slightly sweet and rich taste of the caviar explodes to your mouth.
The caviar flavor soothes to your nose.
If you happened to eat the most expensive one, those with bigger eggs, there’s a thrilling different experience.

The taste slightly salmon resonant.
The cheaper caviar has slightly fisher and saltier taste compared to fine-flavored high-end caviar.
Quite resembles salmon flavor.
The texture could be slightly chewy and gritty.
The taste may also depend on the fish source of caviar. The black caviar from Paddlefish leaves a bitter taste while white sturgeon offers a milder fishy taste compared to others. Osetra and Sevruga caviar has a buttery taste and hackleback sturgeon caviar has oily feels.
Delicate Caviar And Its Nutritional Facts
A caviar is considered an appetizer and brings not only joy but also nutritional bene. It is a good source of protein, iron, selenium, magnesium, phosphorus, calcium and multiple Vitamins such as B12, B44, B2, B6, vitamin D, C and A. fits

It also has amino acids (histidine and arginine) and essential amino acids like isoleucine, lysine, and methionine. If you’ve consumed about one tbsp. of caviar, you’ll have a gram of fatty acid (Omega-3), which works great for heart disease prevention.
However, due to its high cholesterol and sodium content, serving size is a recommendation for safer consumption. This is 30-50 grams every person.
Preparing, Eating And Enjoying Caviar
The preparation and how the caviar is eaten has great participation on whether a person will be able to enjoy it to the fullest. It is important to be mindful in every process of preparation, whether it is a simple or complex one. To come up with an unforgettable taste impression, there are several things to note such as in preparation, storage, and food handling.

The following are the simple guide to maximizing caviar’s delicate taste:
For maximum freshness, it must be kept cold, thus, chilled. This enhances the flavor of this delicacy.
Learning to use proper cooking or preparing instruments can avoid alteration on its taste. For example, if you utilize utensils like stainless steel, the flavor of the roe might be altered turning its taste into a bitter one. The use of ceramic, plastic and glass instruments are better options.
If you want to enjoy the best of caviar flavor, you may try serving it on crackers top is the best way.
Another way of achieving an effective and delicate caviar flavor is through getting its perfect match. These include onion, dill, and sour cream. Eggs (hard-boiled) is also a good match.
Interesting Facts About Caviar
Caviar is a luxury food because it’s extremely expensive. The prices depend mainly on its quality, which is judged on flavor, consistency, size and color. Approximately, the price per kilogram may range from $8000-$16, 000. Terribly high.
What makes caviar a luxurious delicacy? One reason is its popularity and another foremost reason is due to the scarcity of its source, the endangered sturgeon fish. It also takes a lot of time harvesting the fish’s eggs. Processing it is also costly.
Usually, these caviars are eaten as a spread or garnish to bread and crackers. Way back then, this egg delicacy was served for the society’s high ranking class.
The most expensive and rare caviar that you could try these days dwell in the Caspian Sea, the beluga sturgeon. This is popular for its large and soft eggs, which is typically black or silver in color.
There are only a few ingredients of caviar, salt, and the fish (sturgeon) roe.

Caviar delicacy is one of the oldest in the world. Before highly respected people indulge themselves in champagne, truffles and raw oysters, caviar was already on the top list desired by their tongues. Russians, Ancient Greeks, and Romans were known as lovers of this delicacy.
The sound created when a good caviar is packed is somewhat similar to the purr of a cat.
This fish roe has long shelf life and could last for more than one day because the fish is preserved. Furthermore, with proper storage, it could retain its freshness for approximately one month.
Caviar, despite being endangered could be sustained through sustainable alternatives concerning fish such as fish farming.
Based on the record, the extremely costly caviar is taken from a 100 years old fish, a beluga sturgeon (Iranian). Its price per kilo reaches $35, 000.

Caviar VIP’s would likely to seek reservation for their beloved caviar.
It’s very expensive but not as costly as before. Through aquaculture advances, farming of sturgeon fish is made possible.
By judging the caviar’s color, maturity, texture and flavor, the finest and expensive caviar are identified. These highly expensive caviars are lighter in color, have larger eggs and most especially, marked as the oldest.
True caviars come from 3 sturgeon breed namely, Osetra, Sevruga and the Beluga.
Because of overfishing, United States decided to ban the sturgeon (Beluga) in 2005.
Final Words

What does caviar taste like? Maybe at this point, you already gained awareness on the expensive and distinct taste a caviar has? The following are the key points discussed above:
Caviar is made up of unfertilized egg masses (roe), which came from the sturgeon fish species. The taste is compared to that of salmon.
The taste of caviar varies depending on diverse factors such as the way it’s prepared, served and stored. If the caviar is prepared and stored the wrong way, it will alter the flavor of the food.
Typically, it tastes slightly salty and fishy. Still, it’s tolerable.
Caviar has lots of nutritional benefits, but it could also cause some risk due to its high sodium content. Eating in moderation is highly recommended.
High-end caviar tends to have the finest taste.
Caviar is one of the luxurious delicacies in the world because of price and scarcity.
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Caviar always seems so familiar to my ears, especially whenever I’m talking about Russian food with my sister. I’m glad to know that caviars are considered tastier if they’re fresh. I think I will buy some Osetra caviar online if there are any for sale because I’m curious about the salty taste of caviar and its distinct texture.
Osetra is the best!!! #delicious 🙂