Majority of the womenfolk, who suffer from dysmenorrheal pains chronically, tend to pop an OTC painkiller or analgesic like Ibuprofen or acetaminophen in order to get instant relief.
But you might be aware that allopathic analgesicās and palliatives are laced with harmful chemicals that could cause undesirable side-effects, ultimately leading to grave diseases or disorders.
Fortunately for you, there are several natural or homemade remedies that can help you effectively deal with cramps minus the side-effects, for instance best tea for cramps. The best teas for menstrual cramps are usually prepared from medicinal herbs like chamomile, ginger, and parsley that act on prostaglandins.
Prostaglandins are compound clusters having effects similar to hormones and are primarily responsible for triggering menstrual cramps. Some of the herbs from which are included in our teas for cramps is brewed act on prostaglandins, are extremely effectual in alleviating muscle cramps, thereby providing you relief from the intolerable pain and discomfiture.
However, bear in mind that all herbal teas are not created equal - each and every type has its own unique attributes have distinct beneficial effects on your health and well-being.
Instead of opting for the very first herbal tea brand you come across, conduct your own research to determine the ones that are best suited to your needs and inclinations.
Best Teas For Cramps, Menstrual Pain And Morning Sickness Compared
Tea Brand | Price | Rating |
**Below, you'll find my more detailed reviews about those teas, but you can also click the links above to see current prices or read customer reviews on Amazon.
1. Traditional Medicinals Healthy Cycle Raspberry Leaf Tea

The Healthy Cycle Raspberry Leaf Tea from Traditional Medicinals is surely one of the best organic herbal teas you can drink safely on an everyday basis. The Raspberry Leaf is one of the several organic tea blends that was innovated by Drake Sadler, social activist, and Rosemary Gladstar, herbalist more than 40 years ago.
There are a total of 16 tea bags in each packet where every sachet is filled with raspberry leaves, nettle, angelica root extracts, blessed thistle, and cramp bark extracts. The ingredients in the sachets have been processed scientifically using eco-friendly methods, are of pharmacopoeial grade. All the ingredients have been certified by USDA or US Department of Agriculture.
This product is intended to help women experience a healthy and trouble-free menstruation as well as help cope with the issues surrounding a period, including menstrual cramps.
The herbs included in the formulation will allow to women to carry on with their routine activities even when the menstrual cycle is at its peak. You’ll also warm up to the flavors that have robust notes of mint and citrus.
2. Earth Mama Organic Periodic Tea

Formulated by an herbalist and nurse, Organic Period Tea by Earth Mama Organics comes in extremely handy for women plagued by premenstrual syndrome, menstrual cycle, and postpartum issues.
This is an organic tea brand of superior quality that has been prepared from lady’s mantle (Alchemilla Vulgaris), organic cinnamon, red raspberry leaf, lemon balm, nettle leaf, alfalfa grass, and ginger rhizome.
The blend of delectable and nutritious herbs in the ‘Organic Period Tea’ furnishes support during the postpartum period, helps tackle PMS cramps, and aids in maintaining a healthy menstrual cycle.
The chief ingredients are lady’s mantle that works as an effective astringent checking unwarranted bleeding; lemon balm soothes the uterus lining; stinging nettles and alfalfa that are rich in minerals, provide nutrients to the body.
The cinnamon in this organic tea adds flavor to the beverage. This tea brand from Earth Mama Angel Baby has been approved by USDA as 100% organic as well as gluten-free, vegan, kosher, and non-GMO. At the same time, the tea does not contain any caffeine implying that drinking the beverage will not come in the way of your sleeping peacefully.
3. Yogi Tea Woman's Moon Cycle

The Woman’s Moon Cycle from Yogi Teas can easily qualify for the tag ‘Best Tea for Cramps. This is one herbal tea brand that is infused with organic raspberry leaf, chaste tree berry, and Dong quai that work individually and in concert, aiding women to grapple the problems related to menstruation, including throbbing cramps.
The juniper berries in the blend prevents undue retention of water which in turn check abdominal bloating or distension.
The chamomile extract has a soothing and becalming effect both physically and psychologically. There are a total of 16 tea bags that have a ‘use by’ period of 2 years or 730 days which leaves you with more than sufficient time to use up all the sachets before they become unpalatable.
The unique formulation of this tea will go a long way in enabling you to smooth out the discomfiture associated with the menstrual period. The cinnamon and ginger extracts heighten the flavor of the blend.
The ‘Yogi Tea Woman’s Moon Cycle’ is USDA certified implying that the brand is non-GMO, vegan, gluten-free, and kosher. No artificial sweeteners or additives have been added to the tea bags which are completely compostable.
4. Traditional Medicinals Organic Herbal Tea

Raspberry leaves have long been a very powerful traditional medicinal herb, helping ease the excruciating abdominal pain, muscle cramps, and lower backache during menstruation or before the onset of the monthly cycle.
The best quality of raspberry leaves has found their way into the Raspberry Leaf Organic Herbal Tea formulated by Traditional Medicinals. This tea formulation not only offers respite from chronic cramps but also is highly effective in toning and relaxing the endometrium or the uterus lining during menstrual cycles.
Taking this tea on a regular basis will stimulate healthy menstruation as well as enable the reproductive system to function in shipshape manner. The strong and intense flavor of the tea is somewhat similar to the tang of premium quality of black tea.
So, those tea aficionados who are very persnickety about flavors will easily warm up to this brand.
5. Secrets Of Tea - No To Morning Sickness Herbal

This product is another proprietary tea blend from the house of ‘Secrets Of Tea’ that will surely make it to any best tea for morning sickness revew. This tea blend has been formulated from cent per cent organic and pure herbs imbued with restorative and prophylactic properties.
Dong Quai, a curative herb that is held in high esteem by traditional Chinese medicine practitioners, plays a key role in aiding women get rid of the discomforts associated with their periodic menstruation.
At the same time, Dong Quai acts in combination with other proprietary herbs in the blend including juniper berry extract, parsley leaf, chaste tree berry extract, chamomile flower, anise seed, and fennel seed to check menstrual cramps as well as ease the process of childbirth.
This exclusive herbal tea formulation also aids in managing routine PMS signs and symptoms. Every herbal ingredient included in the product has a distinct beneficial effect.
For instance, the sweet smelling chamomile has a soothing effect on the body as well as the mind. Then again the anise seeds have antioxidant properties that prevent the outbreak of diseases. Anise seeds also acts as a robust antiseptic, anti-spasmodic, digestive, tonic, and carminative agent.
6. Pink Stork Morning Sickness Relief

Drinking ‘Organic Ginger-Peach’ Tea from Pink Stork routinely lets women get relief from menstrual cramps, constipation, and nausea. This premium quality tea blend goes a long way in enabling pregnant women to efficiently deal with assorted issues during the trimesters.
The inherent attributes of herbal ginger infused in the formulation checks bloating, vomiting, and nausea in those who are susceptible to morning sickness. 6-gingerol, the chief active substance in ginger rhizome helps keep symptoms of hyperemesis gravidarum or severe vomiting at bay.
The sharp tang of ginger which many might find unpleasant is offset by the flavor of peach. The ingredient mix soothes the intestinal passage as a result of which women are relieved from diarrhea, constipation, and menstrual cramps. The peach flavor also keeps the tea savory while warm and revitalizing when cold.
Black tea leaves in the blend imported from Sri Lanka help women cope with pregnancy and childbirth issues. The pyramid-shaped tea sachets have been made from recyclable materials which keep the flavor and aromas intact.
7. Baetea 14 Days Teatox Detox Tea

As a modern-day woman, you’ll naturally want to put your best foot forward and feel good about yourself. In order to create a lasting impression on others, you’ll need to look radiant and bright. In other words, you’ll have to consistently maintain a slim and trim physique so that you are always in top form.
The ‘14 Day Teatox Detox Herbal Tea Supplement’ from Baetea is a versatile herbal beverage that proves to be extremely effective in enabling you to keep your weight under control. This herbal tea has been formulated by blending a variety of traditional herbs that have been cultivated organically which means the ingredients are completely free of toxic chemicals and insecticides.
The harmonious herbal blend function as efficient detoxifying agents as these help boost the metabolic system as well as aid your body to get rid of noxious waste.
The organic herbs in the tea supplement promote loss of excessive fluids and also help in de-stressing. The blend is fortified with organic green tea and oolong Wu Yi leaves as well as other essential herbs that keep you well nourished on one hand and letting you control hunger pangs.
8. Teami Alive Premium Energy Green Tea

Given the busy lifestyle that we lead nowadays, we usually become exhausted at the end of the working day, leaving us feeling demotivated. The constant struggle to maintain work-life balance causes physical and mental stress which we are hard put to mitigate.
If you are looking for an affordable yet effective way of coping with your stress and keeping yourself motivated throughout the working day, then help is at hand in the form of ‘Premium Energy Green Tea with Caffeine and Ginger Honey’.
There are 15 tea sachets in every pack of ‘Loose Leaf Alive Blend by ‘TeamMi Blends’ fortified with ‘green tea’, ‘lemongrass’, and ‘ginger honey’ as well as other herbal ingredients.
The herbal ingredients of this formulation supply your body with all the essential vitamins and nutrients allowing you to keep yourself active all day long. Drinking this ‘Premium Energy Green Tea’ everyday will not only help you to get rid of stress but also provide you the energy to complete all your routine tasks.
9. Top To Toe Wellness 14 Days Detox Herbal Tea

Opting for the ’14 Day Detox Tea’ from ‘Top to Toe Wellness’ ensures a host of health benefits. Drinking this ‘Detox Tea’ for 14 successive days is one of the quickest and safest ways of boosting metabolism, getting rid of toxic wastes, checking flatulence, and stimulating energy levels.
The formulation has been concocted from 100% organic herbal ingredients including ‘Sencha green tea’, Yerba Mate, Senna Leaf’, fennel, alfalfa, milk thistle, grapefruit peel, orange peel, and dandelion leaf. Sipping on this tea regularly will uplift your mood, help you to unwind, and keep your physique trim and fit.
Frequently Asked Questions
Let's take a look at the most frequently asked questions when it comes to herbal teas, can they help cramps and other symptoms associated with menstrual pain and morning sickness.
What is Dysmenorrhea or Menstrual Cramps?

Dysmenorrhea is the medical expression for the excruciating pain that a large proportion of menstruating women have to put up with prior to or during a (menstrual) cycle. Some women experience severe period aches while in some the pain is dull and irritating.
The pain normally starts 1-2 days before the cycle commences and continues for 3-4 days. The most prominent symptom of dysmenorrhea is cramping or agonizing pain in the abdominal region above the pelvis. Other common signs and symptoms might comprise:-
There are basically two types of dysmenorrhea-primary dysmenorrhea and secondary dysmenorrhea. If your cramps are solely because of the menstrual cycles, then the dysmenorrhea is regarded as primary.
On the other hand, if the throbbing pain is due to an underlying medical condition like pelvic inflammatory disease, uterine fibroids or endometriosis, the cramps are considered as secondary.
Primary dysmenorrhea usually starts with the initial menstrual cycle and recurs with every subsequent period. Alternatively, secondary dysmenorrhea affects women in the latter stages of their lives, and occurs primarily due to uterus-related diseases of which endometriosis is the most prevalent.
Causes of Menstrual Cramps
Menstruating women release eggs or ova as a result of the biological process of ovulation better known as the menstrual cycle. This cycle repeats itself every 28 days when the ova are on the lookout for sperms in order to get fertilized. However, if sperms are not available, the uterus gets contracted and consequently the endometrium-the lining of the uterine wall-is exposed.

Prostaglandins, which are basically chemical compounds whose functions are very much similar to hormones, are mainly responsible for activating dysmenorrhea. The formation of prostaglandins in the lining of the uterus is the chief cause behind menstrual cramps and muscle spasms that resemble the labor pains experienced by women before or during childbirth.
The uterine contractions check the flow of blood to the endometrium and could also take place when the level of leukotrienes surges during the menstrual period.
Does Drinking Herbal Teas For Dysmenorrhea Help Naturally and Safely?
This blog will for the most part focus on the natural treatment procedures and techniques of primary dysmenorrhea. Several studies and researches have been carried out in the past which have clearly demonstrated that a high amount of prostaglandins are produced in women affected by dysmenorrhea.

The release of an abnormally large quantity of prostaglandins during menstruation is a crystal clear indication that such women are highly susceptible to these chemical compounds.
Since normal blood circulation in the endometrium is prevented during dysmenorrhea, this blood flows back to the fallopian tubes that could also cause cramping as the neighboring tissues are irritated.
Women can take numerous preventive steps and resort to different treatment techniques when it comes to managing menstrual cramps and preventing their occurrences in the future.
A woman can take OTC painkillers that are classed under NSAIDs as well as adopt birth control methods if she decides not to have children at all or delay the childbirth by a few years. You can take some preventive measures on your own to minimize the chances of dysmenorrhea including but not limited to:-
However, if you wish to deal with your cramps effectively without having to worry about accompanying side effects, then you try out a few specific home remedies. These natural remedies include a hot bath, TENS therapy, herbal medicines and supplements. Another efficient and affordable way of coping with dysmenorrhea is drinking herbal teas.
Herbs have a very mild yet beneficial influence on our physiological systems. If you consider yourself to be a health-conscious woman then there is every reason for you to prepare and sip best tea for cramps in the comfort of your home. Nevertheless, you’ll need to be patient and persist with sipping quality herbal teas for an extensive period if you wish to take advantage of the benefits.
At the same time, you should take note of the fact that the herbs do not have the same effects on your body. Additionally, there are some herbs that may react with the medications you might be taking. Therefore, it is recommended that you consult with a physician before you start to drink an herbal tea brand as the latter is the right professional who can offer you the best possible course of action.
Also, it’ll be better if you drink your best tea for cramps without adding any sugar or honey. That way, the active herbal ingredients will work more effectively towards enabling you to get respite from menstrual cramps.
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